We at San José Community Energy  Advocates (SJCEA) are San Jose residents committed to bringing affordable renewable energy to our community.  We support Community Choice Energy (CCE) and encouraged the San Jose City Council to vote for a CCE program in 2017. San Jose Clean Energy (SJCE) will launch in 2 phases in 2018 and 2019!

Contact SJCE (San José Community Energy): info@sanjosecommunityenergy.org


Supporting Groups

We greatly value our collaboration with Business for Clean Energy, which is a program that works with business leaders and advocates for clean energy policies throughout California.  Business for Clean Energy is a program of Center for Climate Protection, and the lead initiative is creation of Community Choice programs throughout California.

In addition to SJCE and BCE, there is an active extended network of community and business leaders in Silicon Valley that support Community Choice:
Silicon Valley Friends of Community Choice